

Preliminary Search for Award Nominations

(Sample Memorandum to Deans of Engineering and Engineering Technology)

Invitation of Preliminary Nominations for the Lamme Award

The Lamme Award is conferred by the American Society for Engineering Education for excellence in teaching and for contribution to the art of teaching, research, technical literature, advancement of the profession, and administration of engineering colleges. The Lamme Trust Fund was established in 1928 in memory of Benjamin Garver Lamme (18641924). The award consists of a gold medal and a certificate. Membership in the American Society for Engineering Education is not a requirement for eligibility for this award, however, only Society members may nominate a candidate for this award. Benjamin Garver Lamme spent most of his life working for the Westinghouse Electric Company as an inventor and developer of electrical machinery. He pioneered the design of rotary converters, developed direct current railway motors and produced the first commercially successful induction motor. His keen interest in the training of young engineers resulted in the development of a design school at Westinghouse. A further result of this interest was the establishment of the Lamme Award which is given to encourage good technical teaching in order to advance the engineering profession.


  • Excellence in teaching and ability to inspire students in high levels of accomplishments;
  • Improvement of engineering education through contributions of research, books, or technical articles, which have a lasting influence on engineering education;
  • Administration which has led to definite and recognized improvements in the art of engineering education;
  • Participation in the work of engineering and educational societies which has led to the improvement of engineering education;
  • Achievements outside the field of teaching, such as personal and professional development in industry, consulting work, inventions, government service, etc. (such achievements will be considered secondary in importance in selecting the recipient).

Preliminary Nomination Instructions

  • Prepare a single general paragraph, not to exceed 100 words, briefly describing the candidate's major accomplishments as they relate to the award purposes.
  • Complete five brief paragraphs addressing how the cited accomplishments meet each of the five award criteria respectively.
  • The above items should be presented in letter form, not to exceed two single-spaced, typed pages and should be signed by the nominating person. Do not include any attachments.
  • Mail per instructions no later than November 20 for preliminary evaluation by the Lamme Award Committee. The statement should be sent to me, as Chair of the committee no later than November 20. You will be notified as to whether you should submit a formal nomination for your candidate. The ASEE Awards Nomination Booklet, containing a nomination form and text for the various Society awards, is published on the awards page of the ASEE website. Formal nominations should be submitted to ASEE Headquarters by January 15, (year)

Thank you very much for assisting in identifying qualified persons who should be considered for this distinguished award.


 Chair, Award Committee


Sample Renomination Letter

March 29, (year)


The ________ Award Committee, after lengthy and difficult deliberations, selected Professor __________ as the recipient of the (year) ___________ Award. The quality of the nominees was very high and made the decision extremely difficult. ______________ was among the finalists and should be commended for his accomplishments. Indeed, your willingness to nominate him indicates a recognition of his excellence in undergraduate engineering education.

We truly appreciate the effort which was undertaken in preparing his nomination and hope you will nominate him again next year.

Please convey our sincere appreciation to all the people who provided supporting letters.


Chair, _________________ Award Committee




ALL - All Awards Chairs

APC - Awards Policy Committee

APCC - Awards Policy Committee Chair

CC - College Industry Education Conference Chair

DC - Division/Committee Chairs

HQ - ASEE Headquarters

M - ASEE Members

SC - Section Chairs

ZC - Zone Chairs


When: JUNE 1
Who: HQ
What: Send Awards Nomination Booklet to APC for update and discussion at its meeting held at the Annual Conference. The review begins in July of each year.

When: JULY 15
Who: HQ
What: Deadline for sending sponsor invoices/statements of award costs, requesting payment and/or acknowledging contributions as appropriate.

When: JULY 15
Who: APC
What: Proposed revisions of Awards Nomination Booklet due at HQ.

When: AUGUST 1
What: Final review of booklet.

Who: HQ
What: Send latest edition of Society Awards Program Manual to all awards chairs.

When: JANUARY 15
Who: M
What: All nominations due at HQ.

Who: HQ
What: Mail packet of nominations to respective committees. Include letter requesting decision be sent to HQ by March 1.

When: MARCH 1
Who: ALL
What: Notify HQ of final selections.

When: MARCH 15
Who: APC
What: Approves award selections.

When: APRIL 1
Who: HQ
What: Submit awardee list to the Awards Policy Committee for confirmation.

When: APRIL 1
Who: ALL
What: Submit annual committee report to ASEE Executive Director.

When: APRIL 15
Who: HQ
What: Contact awardees to confirm selection and gather additional information. Disseminate information and prepare checks and mementos.

When: APRIL 15
Who: HQ
What: Compile Annual Conference Awards Banquet Program.

When: APRIL 25
Who: DC/SC
What: Publicize awardees in unit/section publications.

When: JUNE 1
Who: HQ
What: Arrange for national award mementos to be ready for award presentations. Send news release about national awardees to national mailing list of libraries, professional and technical journals, etc.

Who: SC
What: At least one month before section meeting, send HQ details of section meeting award ceremony.