
Standard Ads (Print and Online)

Standard ads appear in single-column, paragraph form.

Submission Format Price Per Word
Member Price $3.25
Non-Member Price $3.50
(Promotional) Block text standard column ad (600 words) $750

Display Ads (Print and Online)

Display ads appear in larger type with a heading and enclosed border.

Member Prices

Ad Size Maximum Dimensions Word Count Price Color Ad Price
1/4 page 3.5” x 4.5” 150-200 $850 $900
 1/2 page horizontal 7” x 4.5” 300-400 $1,600 $1,700
1/2 page vertical 3.5” x 9” 300-400 $1,600 $1,700
3-column half 5.25” x 4.5” 200-250 $1,220 $1,400
3-column full 5.25” x 9” 500-600 $2,400 $2,600
Full page 7” x 9” 600-750 $2,900 $3,000
1/2 column inch display ad 1.75” x 4.5” 120-130 $150 $200
Full column inch display ad 1.75” x 9” 220-240 $650 $700

Non-Member Prices

Ad Size Maximum Dimensions Word Count Price Color Ad Price
1/4 page 3.5” x 4.5” 150-200 $880 $968
 1/2 page horizontal 7” x 4.5” 300-400 $1,615 $1,776
1/2 page vertical 3.5” x 9” 300-400 $1,615 $1,776
3-column half 5.25” x 4.5” 200-250 $1,320 $1,452
3-column full 5.25” x 9” 500-600 $2,590 $2,849
Full page 7” x 9” 600-750 $2,965 $3,261
1/2 column inch display ad 1.75” x 4.5” 120-130 $350 $400
Full column inch display ad 1.75” x 9” 220-240 $650 $700


Online only

Online ads appear in single-column, paragraph form.

Submission Format Price Per Word
Online $2.25
Gold Online Block ad (150 - 275 words) $300
Purple Online Block ad (300 - 425 words) $450
Green Online Block ad (426 – 500 words) $500
Premium Online Block ad (501 – 550 words) $575



You can e-mail your ad directly to us or you can submit it using our electronic system. If you have any problems with any of our submission methods, please contact
Classified Advertising Manager
E-mail: classifieds@asee.org