Online Classified Rates

Our online ad service is a year-round service that we offer and are posted per thirty day intervals. We offer same day service when posting online ads.

New: Free logos for all online ad types.

ASEE Classified advertising now offers free logos for all online ads appearing on the ASEE Classified Advertising website.

The logo format must be jpeg or png. The size is 855 x 297 pixels.

We have recently added some budget-friendly online formats. In order for your ad text to fit into any of the online formats below, it must contain the minimum or the maximum word count to receive the desired pricing for your online ad.

Gold Online Block ad 100 – 299 words $300 Online format only
Purple Online Block ad 300 – 425 words $450 Online format only
Green Online Block ad 426 – 500 words $500 Online format only
Premium Online Block ad 501 - 600 words $575 Online format only
Supreme Online Block ad 601-700 words $700 Online format only
Imperial Block Standard Column ad 701-800 words $750 Online format only
Prime Online Black ad 801-1000 words $850 Online format only

Ads below or above these word counts will be calculated at $2.25/word.

Online Classified Advertising

During the summer months of June, July, and August, ASEE PRISM magazine is not published. We offer an online classified service starting June through August.

If you are using the electronic system to post an online ad and need more online exposure, just fill in the dates you want your ad to run online per month. Example: June 1, 2006 to August 1, 2006. This would be counted as two months of online service. Your ad will be billed per month and calculated by the amount of months you chose to run it. Let's say your ad costs $250.00 at $2.25 per word, and you wanted to run it for two months. It will be $250.00 x 2 months. The cost will be $500.00 for the two months online.

Summer online ads are posted the same day upon your approval.


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