Collaboratory for Engineering Education Research ( is a digital habitat with the mission to address the continued need for developing engineering education researchers by leveraging the success of past NSF-funded programs such as RREE, ISEE and CAEE and the expertise gained by various project team members. is part of a NSF-funded project called “Expanding and sustaining research capacity in engineering and technology education: Building on successful programs for faculty and graduate students.” JEE and CLEERhub work closely to offer workshops around the world for those interested in learning how to be more engaged in engineering education research. Upcoming workshops include Spain, Turkey, and the USA. |
Research in Engineering Education Network (REEN)REEN is an independent, international and inclusive forum in which quality research on engineering education is conducted, discussed and disseminated. This vibrant and welcoming community nurtures developing researchers through collaboration and sound methodological approaches to address the challenges within engineering education. |
Educational Research Methods group, Australasian Association for Engineering Education (ERM-AAEE)The ERM group is a special interest group of AAEE. It seeks to build a community of scholars dedicated to advancing engineering education research in Australasia. It hosts symposia at the annual meeting and workshops at various universities throughout the year. |