Explore ASEE Awards

Mile Award

This award is presented each year to an institution in the ASEE Midwest Section that has obtained the largest total person-miles attending the annual ASEE Midwest Section Conference. The award consists of a certificate, traveling car award trophy, and $250 award. The award is presented at the Business Luncheon at the annual ASEE Midwest Section Conference. The trophy will be housed at that institution for one year until the next annual ASEE Midwest Section Conference. The recipient institution is required to return the trophy at the next annual ASEE Midwest Section Conference or ship the trophy to the Program Chair prior to the conference.

Past Award Winners

Engineering/technology colleges, other educational institutions, industry, government, and consulting firms from the ASEE Midwest Section are eligible. The people from an ASEE Midwest Section institution must attend the annual ASEE Midwest Section Conference.

The recipient will be selected by the ASEE Midwest Section Program Chair and Chair-elect. The Program Chair and Chair-elect will determine the total number of people from each ASEE Midwest Section institution attending the annual ASEE Midwest Section Conference. The total number of people from each institution will be multiplied by the total mileage from their home institution to the location of the annual ASEE Midwest Section Conference. The institution that obtains the largest total number of miles will receive the ASEE Midwest Section Person-Mile Award.


Mile Award

This award is presented each year to an institution in the ASEE Midwest Section that has obtained the largest total person-miles attending the annual ASEE Midwest Section Conference. The award consists of a certificate, traveling car award trophy, and $250 award. The award is presented at the Business Luncheon at the annual ASEE Midwest Section Conference. The trophy will be housed at that institution for one year until the next annual ASEE Midwest Section Conference. The recipient institution is required to return the trophy at the next annual ASEE Midwest Section Conference or ship the trophy to the Program Chair prior to the conference.

Past Award Winners

Engineering/technology colleges, other educational institutions, industry, government, and consulting firms from the ASEE Midwest Section are eligible. The people from an ASEE Midwest Section institution must attend the annual ASEE Midwest Section Conference.

The recipient will be selected by the ASEE Midwest Section Program Chair and Chair-elect. The Program Chair and Chair-elect will determine the total number of people from each ASEE Midwest Section institution attending the annual ASEE Midwest Section Conference. The total number of people from each institution will be multiplied by the total mileage from their home institution to the location of the annual ASEE Midwest Section Conference. The institution that obtains the largest total number of miles will receive the ASEE Midwest Section Person-Mile Award.