2025 Research Leadership Institute (RLI)

March 5-7, 2025


Wednesday, March 5, 2025Thursday, March 6, 2025Friday, March 7, 2025

8:00 AM
Breakfast providedBreakfast provided

8:30 AM
Session 4Session 9

Benchmarking on: Policies, Structure, Processes, etc.The Research workplace; how to manage research space
9:00 AMERC Board Mtg

9:30 AM

Session 5Session 10
10:00 AMNew ADR bootcampWorkforce development supported by researchIntroduction to lower-volume agencies

10:30 AM

Session 11
11:00 AMBreakIntroduction to federal research consortia for support (COGR, FDP, AAU, APLU)

Session 6
11:30 AMRegistration and Check-inFinancial (and operational) management of faculty start-up and core facilities (strategies, approaches)

12:00 PM


12:30 PM
ERC Business Mtg Lunch

McGraw awards
1:00 PM
ERVA team

1:30 PMWelcome and Introductions

Session 1
mentoring for new faculty
Break (no food / bev)
2:00 PM
Session 7

Strategies for developing research scientist / research faculty (non-tenure track) careers
2:30 PM

Session 2

3:00 PMGraduate students: recruiting, training, supporting in the Research enterprise

3:30 PM

Session 8
4:00 PMBreakAnalytics + strategic planning

Session 3

4:30 PMAuthorizations, Appropriations, Plus-ups

5:00 PM

Drinks / Networking
5:30 PMDrinks / Networking

6:00 PMDinnerNo Host Dinner

6:30 PMFireside chat

7:00 PM