Year |
Name |
Institution |
2023-2024 | Doug Tougaw | Valparaiso University |
2022-2023 | Jenna Carpenter | Campbell University |
2021-2022 | Adrienne R. Minerick | Michigan Technological University |
2020-2021 | Sheryl Sorby | Professor, University of Cincinnati |
2019-2020 | Stephanie Adams | Dean University of Texas at Dallas |
2018-2019 | Stephanie Farrell | Chair, Rowan University |
2017-2018 | Bevlee Watford | Associate Dean, Virginia Tech |
2016-2017 | Louis Martin-Vega | Dean, North Carolina State University |
2015-2016 | Joseph J. Rencis | Dean, Tennessee Technological University |
2014-2015 | Nicholas J. Altiero | Dean, Tulane University |
2013-2014 | Kenneth F. Galloway | Dean, Vanderbilt University |
2012-2013 | Walter W. Buchanan | Head, Texas A&M |
2011-2012 | Don P. Giddens | Dean, Georgia Tech. |
2010-2011 | Renata S. Engel | Assoc. Dean, Penn State |
2009-2010 | J. P. Mohsen | Chair, Univ. of Louisville |
2008-2009 | Sarah Rajala | Dean, Mississippi State U. |
2007-2008 | James Melsa | Dean, Iowa State Univ. |
2006-2007 | David N. Wormley | Dean, Penn State Univ. |
2005-2006 | Ronald E. Barr | Prof., University of Texas |
2004-2005 | Sherra E. Kerns | V.P.-Research, Olin College |
2003-2004 | Duane L. Abata | Dean, SD School of Mines |
2002-2003 | Eugene M. DeLoatch | Dean, Morgan State Univ. |
2001-2002 | Gerald S. Jakubowski | Dean, Loyola Marymount U. |
2000-2001 | Wallace T. Fowler | Director, Univ. of Texas |
1999-2000 | John A. Weese | Head, Texas A&M |
1998-1999 | Ernest T. Smerdon | Vice-Provost, U. of Arizona |
1997-1998 | Lyle D. Feisel | Dean, SUNY Binghamton |
1996-1997 | Winfred M. Phillips | V.P.-Research, U. of Florida |
1995-1996 | Eleanor Baum | Dean, Cooper Union |
1994-1995 | Cary A. Fisher | Head, Air Force Academy |
1993-1994 | George E. Dieter | Prof., Univ. of Maryland |
1992-1993 | J.Ray Bowen | Dean, Univ. of Washington |
1991-1992 | Leighton E. Sissom | Dean, Tennessee Tech. |
1990-1991 | Curtis J. Tompkins | President, Michigan Tech. |
1989-1990 | Anthony B. Giordano | Dean, Polytechnic Univ. |
1988-1989 | Lawrence P. Grayson | Director, US Dept.Education |
1987-1988 | Robert H. Page | Dean, Texas A&M |
1986-1987 | Edmund T. Cranch | President, WPI |
1985-1986 | Robert N. Mills | Engineer, General Electric |
1984-1985 | Richard J. Ungrodt | Dean, MSOE |
1983-1984 | John C. Hancock | Purdue University |
1982-1983 | Joseph C. Hogan | Notre Dame University |
1981-1982 | Daniel C. Drucker | Dean, University of Illinois |
1980-1981 | Vincent S. Haneman, Jr. | Dean, University of Alaska |
1979-1980 | C.E. Schaffner | Syska & Hennessy, Inc. |
1978-1979 | J.J. Martin | University of Michigan |
1977-1978 | Otis E. Lancaster | Penn State University |
1976-1977 | George Burnet | Iowa State University |
1975-1976 | Lee Harrisberger | U. of Texas-Permian Basin |
1974-1975 | C. Wandmacher | University of Cincinniti |
1973-1974 | John C. Calhoun, Jr. | Dean, Texas A&M |
1972-1973 | Joseph M. Petit | President, Georgia Tech. |
1971-1972 | H.A. Bolz | Ohio State University |
1970-1971 | G.A. Hawkins | Purdue University |
1969-1970 | M.A. Williamson | Dist. Prof., Vanderbilt Univ. |
1968-1969 | C.C. Chambers | University of Pennsylvania |
1967-1968 | M.R. Lohmann | Dean, Oklahoma State |
1966-1967 | Robert H. Roy | John Hopkins University |
1965-1966 | G.D. Lobingier | Westinghouse Electric Co. |
1964-1965 | E.C. Easton | Rutgers University |
1963-1964 | K.F. Wendt | University of Wisconsin |
1962-1963 | G. Murphy | Iowa State University |
1961-1962 | R.W. Van Houten | New Jersey Inst. of Tech. |
1960-1961 | E.A. Walker | Dean, Penn State University |
1959-1960 | B.R. Teare, Jr. | Carnegie-Mellon University |
1958-1959 | W.T. Alexander | Northeastern University |
1957-1958 | F.C. Lindvall | California Inst. of Tech |
1956-1957 | W.L. Everitt | University of Illinois |
1955-1956 | M.M. Boring | General Electric Co. |
1954-1955 | N.W. Dougherty | University of Tennessee |
1953-1954 | L.E. Grinter | Dean, University of Florida |
1952-1953 | W.R. Woolrich | University of Texas |
1951-1952 | S.C. Hollister | Cornell University |
1950-1951 | F.M. Dawson | University of Iowa |
1949-1950 | T. Saville | New York University |
1948-1949 | Clement J. Freund | University of Detroit |
1947-1948 | C.E. MacQuigg | Ohio State University |
1946-1947 | H.O. Croft | University of Iowa |
1944-1946 | H.S. Rogers | Polytechnic University |
1943-1944 | Robert E. Doherty | Carnegie-Mellon University |
1942-1943 | H.T. Heald | Illinois Inst. of Technology |
1941-1942 | A.H. White | University of Michigan |
1940-1941 | D.B. Prentice | Rose-Hulman Inst. of Tech. |
1939-1940 | O.J. Ferguson | University of Nebraska |
1938-1939 | Karl T. Compton | Mass. Inst. of Technology |
1937-1938 | S.B. Earle | Clemson University |
1936-1937 | H.P. Hammond | Polytechnic University |
1935-1936 | D.S. Anderson | Tulane University |
1934-1935 | C.C. WIlliams | University of Iowa |
1933-1934 | William E. Wickenden | Case Western Reserve Univ. |
1932-1933 | R.A. Seaton | Kansas State University |
1931-1932 | H.S. Evans | University of Colorado |
1930-1931 | H.S. Boardman | University of Maine |
1929-1930 | R.I. Rees | A T &nbamp; T |
1928-1929 | D.S. Kimball | Cornell University |
1927-1928 | R.L. Sackett | Penn State University |
1926-1927 | O.M. Leland | University of Minnesota |
1925-1926 | G.B. Pegram | Columbia University |
1924-1925 | A.A. Potter | President, Purdue: 1945-46 |
1923-1924 | P.F. Walker | University of Kansas |
1921-1923 | C.F. Scott | Yale University |
1920-1921 | M.E. Cooley | University of Michigan |
1919-1920 | A.M. Greene, Jr. | Rensselear Polytechnic Inst. |
1918-1919 | J.F. Hayford | Northwestern University |
1917-1918 | M.S. Ketchum | University of Colorado |
1916-1917 | G.R. Chatburn | University of Nebraska |
1915-1916 | H.S. Jacoby | Cornell University |
1914-1915 | A. Marston | Iowa State University |
1913-1914 | G.C. Anthony | Tufts University |
1912-1913 | W.T. Magruder | Ohio State University |
1911-1912 | W.G. Raymond | University of Iowa |
1910-1911 | A.N. Talbot | University of Illinois |
1909-1910 | H.S. Monroe | Columbia University |
1908-1909 | F.E. Turneaure | University of Wisconsin |
1907-1908 | C.S. Howe | Case Western Reserve Univ. |
1906-1907 | Dugald C. Jackson | Mass. Inst. of Technology |
1905-1906 | C.L. Crandall | Cornell University |
1904-1905 | F.W. McNair | Michigan Technological U. |
1903-1904 | C.F. Allen | Mass. Inst. of Technology |
1902-1903 | C.M. Woodward | Washington University |
1901-1902 | R. Fletcher | Dartmouth College |
1900-1901 | F.O. Marvin | University of Kansas |
1899-1900 | I.O. Baker | University of Illinois |
1898-1899 | T.C. Mendenhall | Worcester Polytechnic Inst. |
1897-1898 | J.B. Johnson | Washington University |
1896-1897 | H.T. Eddy | University of Minnesota |
1895-1896 | M. Merriman | Lehigh University |
1894-1895 | G.F. Swain | Mass. Inst. of Technology |
1893-1894 | De Volson Wood | Stevens Inst. of Technology |